Frank success of the 2018 stage in Caen. On November 11, the public was able to judge the quality of the new forms of mediation imagined during three days at the museums of the castle. One of our favorites: "Let the live again", which makes characters talk about paintings like those of a comic.

Several projects had already caught our attention after two days of marathon. At the end of the third, the great public restitution met our expectations. The proof with this original tool.

"Let them live again" If this title inviting to prolong the life of a work is English, it's not a fancy geek. The designers of this app that make the works speak like a comic are Croats, Finns and Italians. Professionals coding, design, graphics and communication.

The principle: we scan a QR code with his smartphone under a table and we enter the dialogues of each character. Via a projector, these appear later in the work itself. Really ! Demonstration in images with this work of the painter Andrea Locatelli.

The QR code is under the table. | DR

We scan it with his smartphone. | DR

We imagine a conversation. | DR

That's it, a little idea ... | DR

Everything is possible ... | DR

Even make football characters talk ... | DR

Precision: the museum also enters its own dialogs explaining the history of the painting. Clever, no?

But still ? Each Museomix project is available online at the event site. For Let them live again , just click here.