According to her, she talked with Vyshinsky's lawyer today about the state of health of the journalist.

"But, unfortunately, I have nothing comforting. Because a full survey, which the Kherson court ordered to conduct a penitentiary system, was not conducted. He is today kept in a cell where the windows are not glazed, and he clearly has a cold, "Moskalkova told reporters.

According to her, Vyshinsky also has not received the medicines that the defense party is requesting.

She expressed her hope that the world community will express its position on the illegality of the detention of Vyshinsky.

"There are other preventive measures that could allow Kirill to stay out of custody after a serious heart attack and give more opportunities to prove his innocence," Moskalkova said.

Earlier Vyshinsky complained about the lack of a full-scale examination in the hospital in Kherson.