About it reports RIA Novosti from the courtroom.

“The decision of the Basmanny Court to remain unchanged, the complaint without satisfaction,” Judge Natalia Nikishina announced the decision.

Thus, Raul Arashukov will remain in the SIZO until March 30.

As the lawyer of the senior Arashukov Sr. Vladimir Postanyuk confirmed to the agency, his client was previously convicted twice.

Earlier, the first deputy head of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for Karachay-Cherkessia, Kazbek Bulatov, resigned and is being checked as part of the Arashukovs investigation.

Raul Arashukov was detained on January 30th. On the same day, his son, Rauf Arashukov, was detained. The Senator of the Council of the Federation charged the investigation under three articles of the Criminal Code of Russia.

The court arrested five defendants in the case of Senator Arashukov.