A newborn was found dead at the home of his mother in the town of Surzur (Morbihan), Saturday, October 27, 2018. The floor of Vannes opened an investigation.

Little is known about the death of a newborn baby found at his mother's home in Surzur (Morbihan) on Saturday 27 October in the evening.

According to the first elements of the investigation, the helpers were called to the home of a couple and two children of about ten years, in a house in the village of Surzur, around noon.

Born alive

The doctors decided to call the gendarmes, after suspecting a delivery. The baby was discovered, hidden in the house, dead, in the late afternoon during a search, conducted by the Vannes Research Brigade and the criminal identification technicians.

"The autopsy of the baby took place this Sunday morning , confirms the Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic, Alexis Mihman, who moved Saturday afternoon in Surzur. He was born alive, he weighed more than two kilos, one can think that he was born at term or near term. Then on the circumstances and causes of death, we do not know. "

Hospitalized mom

A preliminary inquiry is however opened for homicide. The mother, in her forties, was alone at home with her two other children when help arrived. The father was on the move. Neither could have been heard by the investigators on Sunday afternoon. The mother is hospitalized.

The investigation was still in the hands of the prosecutor of Vannes Sunday afternoon. Vice-Prosecutor Mihman had not yet seized the training center of Lorient for the opening of a judicial inquiry.