His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, said that the World Summit of Governments is an advanced platform for future ideas and projects for the management of governments to enhance their role in serving their people.

During his visit to the 2019 World Summit of Governments hosted by Dubai, with more than 4,000 heads of state, government, ministers, officials, experts and specialists representing some 140 countries, he pointed out that the Summit is an important opportunity to inform the participating friendly governments about the initiatives, visions, experiences and achievements of the UAE. Ambitious government management and leadership to provide more services to its people. "The summit is a meeting of creative and creative minds to shape the future of the world and to look at the future of governments," he said.

HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has continued to attract leading leaders, experts and scientists to present their experiences, review their visions and ideas, Future challenges.

His Highness inspected the Future Museum, organized by the Dubai Foundation for the Future for the fifth time, as part of the main events accompanying the World Summit of Governments.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan praised the ideas and initiatives of the Museum of the Future, which aims at developing work and exploring the most important challenges in the future.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, on the Creative Innovations section of the Government, reviewed the nine innovative experiences from different countries of the world, which represent solutions to the challenges facing countries.

His Highness was accompanied by Minister of Cabinet and Future Affairs Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Gergawi and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed Mubarak Al Mazrouei.

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan has identified the components of the museum, which consists of four main sections, covering an area of ​​615 square meters, which will provide a range of interactive experiences that will review the history of mankind from the beginning and foresee the future of man in the 20-year stages beginning in 2040 To reach 2100.

The museum addresses the future of human health and the enhancement of their physical capabilities mainly through a range of experiments, such as the First Intelligent Responder, which simulates the provision of emergency first aid based on advanced technology for self-operating medical assistance systems, survey systems and comprehensive analysis to determine the type and magnitude of infection that humans will resort to Relying on them in the near future to save their lives in critical situations.

The museum also houses a self-service clinic, an integrated platform for providing diagnostic and therapeutic health services in one place, which will be an effective alternative to visits to clinics and hospitals. The Genome Analyzer is a future initiative for preventive health care and saving lives through gene modification to avoid chronic and serious diseases. .

The museum offers an opportunity to learn about future technology, such as nanoparticles, which are "nanoparticles" that travel through the bloodstream, absorb and dispose of toxins, and "diagnostic nanoparticles" that combine with blood cells and trigger an alarm immediately after the body is infected. "Nanoparticles," programmed nanoparticles to detect and treat infected cells, and "drug carriers" that transfer heat, light and treatment to specific cells within the body, and "biometric sensors" implanted within the body to analyze vital data and monitor health status, «Mobile Devices Sensory »that contribute to the promotion of certain types of tissue.

The Museum of the Future highlights many rapid developments, such as the use of three-dimensional printing technology for the manufacture of living organs and tissues using cells and biomaterials that match the patient's body.

The museum provides a futuristic view of stem cell engineering, which represents one of the most remarkable transformations in human history, with the potential to modify and develop specific types of cells, tissues and organs to be used to compensate or regenerate the cells of the body. The museum also provides a futuristic view of the production of prostheses that mimic human organs in terms of functionality and health efficiency.

This year's museum also reviews the journey of human evolution into the future under the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Artificial Intelligence Technology, and highlights its role in enhancing human mental abilities in terms of the mechanism of functioning and functioning of the nervous system through biological organisms manufactured and sensors implanted in nerve and artificial nerve cells, Enhance neural network performance. The museum also presents the concept of "moving consciousness" through innovative tools to design a map of the human mind and simulate it in detail within a body that may be a biome, robotically or digitally.

The Creative Innovations section provides nine innovative government experiences from countries around the world focused on delivering solutions to the challenges facing humanity, inspiring governments to develop innovations covering vital sectors related to human quality of life, and reviewing revolutionary innovations of the governments of Canada, Sweden, the United Kingdom, .