UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has announced eight principles for governance and government in Dubai. He recommended that all those responsible in Dubai abide by the circumstances, He expressed his sincere thanks to those who said a word of appreciation in his right, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his inauguration of his first post in the service of the homeland.

"My brothers and sisters, I thank all those who have said a word of appreciation in my right, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of my first national service. I promise that the days will only increase our determination to serve," he said on his Twitter page. And creativity in the work .. and accelerate the achievements ».

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said: "My brothers and sisters, 50 years, have given me my experience, wisdom, and much love. Today I put eight principles of government and government in Dubai. Be committed to it, whatever the circumstances, or the situation changed, or the faces changed. "

"From Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum to all those who are responsible for Dubai, Emirate of Dubai, these eight principles and bases on which Dubai, and passed on to the former, and I judge it Today Dubai. We recommend all those responsible in this Emirate to abide by them, and adhere to what came in them, and we direct They can, however, put in place the mechanisms to ensure their continuity, no matter what the circumstances, the situation has changed or changed The faces are the principles of government and government, which we summarized in this document in order to guarantee the well-being of our people, the superiority of our country and the good of our generations Which has not yet come, and God conciliator first and last ».

"These eight principles of governance and government are recommended by ourselves and those who will come after us, and we recommend them to future generations Remember it and remember who will come after us.

God knows what we want but the good for our people, and ask him to reconcile in the service of the country and the slaves ».

Union is the foundation

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in the first principle, which came under the title «Union is the foundation»: «Dubai is part of the UAE, the corner In the Union, its soil is the land of the Emirates, and its destiny is the destiny of the UAE, and its good for the whole of the Emirates, and its people are the redemption of every atom in the UAE. We are in the confines of Union fever. The interests of the Union above our interest, the laws of the Union above our laws and legislation, the policy of the Union is our policy, and the priorities of the Government of the Union Are the priorities of our government. "

No one is above the law

In his second principle, "No one is above the law", he added, "Justice is a state, strength and pride, ensuring stability and prosperity. No one is above the law in Dubai, I do not exclude anyone from the ruling family. There is no difference between a citizen and a resident, rich and poor, male and female, or Muslim and non-Muslim, In the application of the law. The delay in justice is unjust. And all that is fair is strong to me, and every unjust is weak to me. Injustice anywhere or for any individual is a threat to all justice in the emirate. I am innocent of every oppressor, and the ruling family will remain innocent of all injustice as long as these remain Emirate. "

Capital of the economy

"The goal of the Dubai government is to improve people's lives by improving the economy," he said. Dubai does not enter politics, invest in it, and do not rely on it to ensure its superiority. Dubai is a friend of all who holds her and the UAE good, and a friend of money and business, and a global station to create opportunities Economic growth. "

Engines for growth

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in the fourth principle, under the title «Growth has three engines»: «The growth of Dubai led by three engines; Government Credible, flexible and distinctive, an active, fair and open private sector, and a semi-governmental sector that competes globally and moves The economy is local, and the government provides income and citizens with jobs and for generations to come. "

A unique personality

In Principle 5, entitled "Our society has a unique personality," His Highness said: "It is a society characterized by a great deal of work and lack of debate, Characterized by discipline and commitment in its promises, dates and covenants; humble in success, persevering when challenges, publishers for good, Open to everyone. A society of respect, with all its components linked to tolerance, and away from racism and discrimination. We do not accept those who classify communities or incite hatred. The origin in all of us is goodness, sincerity, loyalty and patriotism unless the law proves otherwise. It is not permissible for anyone to judge or prosecute anyone except those whom the judiciary has authorized or assigned to us Justice

Diversify the economy

In the sixth principle, "we do not rely on one source of life": "Diversification of the economy is a rule in the unwritten constitution of Dubai Since 1883. The changing times and the speed of developments dictate that this principle is always and always adhered to. Our new goal: to create a new economic sector at least every three years, a productive sector and a contributor to our output Local, job-driven and self-sustaining. "

Land for talent

The seventh principle, "Land of Talents," affirmed His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum: «Dubai has been based on the talented traders, administrators, engineers and innovators And dreamers. Dubai's survival is superior to being a kiss for the outstanding, and its continued competitiveness depends on its continued attractiveness to the minds and ideas. Our policies and procedures need to be continually renewed to renew our attractiveness to talent, and we must build a better life Dubai for the best minds and ideas ".

Think about generations

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum concluded the principles of Principle 8: "We think about generations" by saying: "We do not leave the fate of future generations dependent on regional politics. And the cycles of the global economy, but invest in them, and create investment assets for them. Our rule is that the government in any case has assets equivalent to at least 20 times its annual budget We seek to ensure the future, and think of today in the prosperity of our next generations ».

Vice President of the State:

«We are in the confines and fever Union interest of the Union above our interest, and its laws above our laws and our legislation».

"Dubai's growth is led by three engines: a credible government, a private sector open to all, and a semi-governmental sector competing Globally ».

"We do not accept those who classify societies or provoke hatred. We all have good, sincerity, loyalty and patriotism .

"Our new goal is to create a productive economic sector that contributes to our domestic product, is job-driven and viable."