The security forces of the legitimacy of the new reinforcements to the province of Hodeidah on the west coast of Yemen, to provide security and implementation of the decision to receive the city after the withdrawal of the Houthi militias backed by Iran, according to the agreement of the consultations of Sweden, while the militias continued their violations and dodging by abstaining from the implementation of the cease-fire and withdrawal from the province, The arrival of the UN Commissioner for the implementation of the Swedish agreement between the Yemeni parties, General Patrick Kamert, the digging of trenches and the mining of a number of streets leading to the port, while the Yemeni army continued to advance in Hajjah and Sanaa, and foiled an attack Of the militias in Dimt, Dhala Governorate.

In addition, security sources confirmed that security reinforcements were sent to the perimeter of Hodeidah to carry out the tasks of providing security and stability, receiving the city from the UN committee responsible for their transport, supervising the withdrawal of the militias from Hodeidah, handing over the city to the security forces, She explained that units of the newly graduated security forces arrived in the vicinity of the city waiting for the arrival of the UN Commission.

Meanwhile, the Iranian Houthi militias continued their violations of the ceasefire agreement as part of their efforts to thwart the Swedish agreement on the handing over of Hodeidah, the port and other areas of the Houthi region.

According to a field source, the militias bombed the resistance sites on 50th Street and Citi Max, in the neighborhoods southeast of Hodeidah airport. It also bombed a stationary Iqwan mortar factory and shelled the village of Al-Munthar, south of the city of Hodeidah. , The Directorate of Beit al-Faqih South, in addition to the launch of a barrage of bullets with medium weapons, and bombed the farms of the village of Sheikh Sheikh Directorate of Marwah.

Four of them were killed and 16 others were injured in various attacks by the guerrilla brigades of the resistance, as a result of rocket and artillery bombardment by al-Houthi militias on a number of positions of the national army forces and houses of citizens in the city of Hodeidah. The news agency Saba quoted a military source as saying that the brigades The Giants are committed to the truce agreed upon in Sweden's UN-sponsored consultations, while the militias have shown no commitment to what has been agreed, and launched rocket and artillery bombardment at the positions of the Giants, leaving several dead and wounded.

The source said that the militias of Houthi launched yesterday, artillery bombardment on the site of the first brigade Giants and killed two martyrs and 16 wounded in the roundabout east of Hodeidah, and fell two others and five wounded in the bombing of Katyusha rockets launched by the Houthi militias on the positions of the second brigade giants in the line 16 kilometers .

The source confirmed that the Giants forces will not remain silent on the crimes committed by the militias, calling on the United Nations to put an end to Houthi's continuing violations against them.

According to local sources, civilians were wounded in the city of Hays by snipers of militias, which intensified the operations of sniping at citizens indiscriminately, taking advantage of the reassurance of civilians truce.

Meanwhile, the UN Commissioner for the implementation of the Swedish agreement between the Yemeni parties, General Patrick Kamert, is expected to arrive in the city of Hodeidah, accompanied by a team of eight. The militias have expected the arrival of the UN official to dig trenches and mines a number of streets leading to the port, In the streets of Hodeidah, and moved about 10 military vehicles towards the south of the city, to impose a fait accompli with the arrival of Kamert.

In Marib, field sources confirmed that the army, backed by the Alliance for Legitimacy, was able to break the largest militia attack on its positions in the Sarwah front to restore the headquarters and other positions. Militias killed 33 people, wounded dozens and destroyed several of their vehicles.

In Hajjah, the Yemeni army continued its advance in the Hiran Front towards a future and took control of several areas around the villages of Al-Oujaa east of the Directorate, prompting the militias to declare a state of alert among its elements in Hajjah. Background The latter's attempt to impose its control on the Directorate by force.

It was the only district in Hajjah that the militias did not impose control over, as a result of the ferocity of the population of the Directorate in defense, and the spread of weapons widely among their tribes, which is characterized by fierce fighting.

In the north-east of Sanaa, the army defeated al-Huthi elements from three important positions and took control of several areas in the Salatiyya. It was built in the direction of two poles and its ashes. According to field sources, Houthis were killed and wounded during the attack. Which is part of the Bran region of Nahm.

In Dhala, there were killed and wounded among the militias as they tried to sneak into army posts in Jabal al-Haraywa, south of Dimit.

Clashes broke out between the Houthi elements in Helian district and the directorate of the Southeastern Suburb of Ibb province, as a result of local disputes over a plot of land, leaving three dead and several wounded.

- Giants brigades:

Militias bombed

Sites in Hodeidah,

Our silence will not last

For their crimes.

Yemeni Army Forces

Continue to advance

In the front of Hiran,

And impose its control

In several areas.