Rebels and confrontations in the town of Hodeidah on the west coast of Yemen, between the joint resistance forces and the Iranian-backed Houthi militia, have resumed after the militia pushed heavily into the city, taking advantage of the cease-fire by the resistance to make way for UN efforts and humanitarian aid. While the Yemeni army continued its advance on the fronts of Taiz and Saada, and intensified clashes between tribal elements and militias in the capital Sana'a.

In addition, the armed confrontations and clashes on the fronts of the city of Hodeidah resumed after the Houthi militias shelled the residential neighborhoods of the city and in Hays and Al-Haitha and sent large reinforcements, exploiting the cease-fire by the joint Yemeni resistance to allow the efforts of the United Nations and the international community. , But the Iranian militias took advantage of it, launched attacks on civilians, and sent armed reinforcements to the city.

According to military sources in the resistance forces, the clashes resumed, since the evening of yesterday, on several fronts inside the city, and expanded to include the vicinity of the city of Saleh and «the neighborhood of 7 July» and the outskirts of the streets of the ninety-ninth north, and saw the neighborhood of Salakhana, the center of the city, Between the two sides, led to the death of many elements of the Houthis, including the social leader of the militias in the «Rima», called Ahmed al-Husni, who was killed along with a number of his companions with the fire of the joint resistance in Hodeidah.

The sources added that the confrontations that took place on the streets of the ninety-ninth is the most violent since the start of the liberation of Hodeidah, where heavy and medium weapons were used, and that the militias were seen escaping from their positions on the impact of the strikes, which participated the Arab coalition fighters to support legitimacy in Yemen, 20 raids, which led to the destruction of militia fortifications and their mechanisms.

The mobilization and bombardment of the civilian areas in Hodeidah, despite its alleged intention to enter into the peace initiative, but at the same time massively mobilized its fighters to the front lines and expanded the trenching of residential neighborhoods, and bombed civilians, in the city of Hodeidah, the city of Hayes, Al-Jah and Bayt al-Faqih, And guided missiles, resulting in civilian deaths and injuries, and sent 400 prisoners taken from prisons in Sanaa to Hodeidah to participate in the fighting, looting and destroying the city and terrorizing its population.

In Taiz, Yemeni army forces continued to advance on the western frontier fronts for the third day in a row and were able to cordon off the Ashruh area between Mukabna and Jabal Habashi.

Sources said that the army, after being able to liberate Tuba Hamed, Qawz village and Watta Sa'ada in Mukabda and Jabal Habashi, would have taken full control of the perimeter of the Ashruh area, where the militias are taking a place to distribute their elements on the fronts of western Taiz. Army forces foiled an infiltration of militias into isolated villages and Najd Shams, east of the city of Taiz, and forced the militia to retreat after three of its members were killed.

In Saada, field sources confirmed the death of Abu Majal al-Mutawakil, one of the most prominent field commanders of the militias, pointing out that the army is close to the caves of the leader of the militias Abdulmalik al-Huthi in Maran, after the destruction of a number of trenches and the exercise caused by the elements of Houthi in the region.

In the capital, Sana'a, the armed clashes between the tribesmen surrounding the capital and the Houthi militias, including Hammadan and internal affairs departments, widened due to the growing popular and societal rejection of the militias that brought their areas to the brink of starvation as a result of the continued looting of the areas under their control. Reach them. The tribal sources in the isolation of Bani al-Hudhaifi, the Directorate of Internal Diet, that armed confrontations broke out between tribal elements of the neighborhood and other militias that carried out the background of the abduction of Muhammad al-Nizari, one of the senior sheikhs of the Directorate, and four of his companions, after payment by armed reinforcements to the Directorate, The sons of the Directorate, and announced the armed invaders to confront the Huthis, leaving behind dead and wounded in the ranks of both sides.

He called the sons of the Directorate of the remaining Huthi elements to leave, threatened to reach their strongholds in the capital, in the event of the release of Nizari and his companions.

The sources confirmed that the tribal elements were able to siege the camp of an updated militia in Alhima, and kidnapped a number of its elements, and took control of one of the military points that kidnapped Sheikh Nizari and his companions.

The Directorate of Hamdan north of the capital is also the escalation of tension between the people of the Directorate and the militias, against the backdrop of differences and armed confrontations previous.

• Violent confrontations between the resistance and the militias in Hodeidah .. And the escape of elements Houthi.

• Armed confrontations between tribes and militias in the vicinity of Sana'a.