On Twitter, the president of the United States asks the Florida authorities, rather than counting all ballots, to stick to the initial results - favorable to Republican candidates. Since the start of the recount, the gap has narrowed with the Democrats.

Donald Trump on Monday urged Florida election officials to halt the new vote count and declare the two Republican candidates to be senators and governors in the southeastern state.

Florida, as provided by local legislation, is conducting a new vote count because the results are very tight. The conclusions of this new count of more than eight million votes will be known Thursday at 15 pm.

Republicans were in the lead

The senatorial election pits Republican Rick Scott, outgoing governor, and outgoing Democrat Bill Nelson. In the election for governorship, Republican Ron DeSantis is opposed to Democrat Andrew Gillum.

In both cases, the Republican candidates were given in the lead Tuesday night but their advance has since been reduced, as the recount.

"Honest counting is no longer possible" according to Trump

On Twitter, Donald Trump asks the Florida authorities, rather than counting all the ballots, to stick to the initial results. "Honest counting is no longer possible," says Donald Trump, who denounces a "massive infection."

The Florida Election should be called in favor of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in that large numbers of new balls are up and out of nowhere. An honest vote count is no longer possible-bales massively infected. Must go with Election Night!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 12, 2018

"The election in Florida should go to Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis," said the US president, who spoke about the recount "new newsletters out of nowhere" and many other "missing or rigged . "

Trump looks "nervous" according to Democratic candidate

Also on Twitter, Andrew Gillum answered Trump with a short sentence: "You look nervous . "

You sound nervous. # CountEveryVote https://t.co/9kRvTqUmwM

- Andrew Gillum (@AndrewGillum) November 12, 2018

The US president had already blamed Democratic election officials in Broward and Palm Beach counties on Twitter for bribery, without proving his accusations.