Mid-day guest Podcast Podcast

P. Hannebique (agricultural union): "Need to harmonize things in Europe"

The Salon de l'agriculture opened on Saturday, February 23 in Paris. This is the 56th edition this year, a must event where are expected for ten days nearly 500,000 visitors. Beyond the good-natured atmosphere that reigns in the aisles, this salon is also a real sounding board for farmers, who see the Porte de Versailles every year almost the entire political class. Starting with President Macron, who spent the whole day Saturday talking in the aisles of the show with consumers and farmers. To talk about it, Pierre Hannebique, manager of the Pas-de-Calais for the FDSEA, the Federation of the farmers' unions.

" We need to harmonize things at European level (agriculture) to avoid distortions of competition between different countries . "

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