It's just a short statement, but from today's point of view, it is at least unfortunate for Mick Mulvaney: "Yes, I support Donald Trump," said the then South Carolina congressman in November 2016. Although he knew that Trump was a "terrible person " be. But the other option was just as bad - meant Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The Daily Beast website has posted a video of the statement, which is said to have fallen at a campaign meeting in a school in South Carolina a few days before the US presidential election.

Spicy is the statement above all, because just that Donald Trump is now president and his former budget director Mulvaney has now been elected chief of staff in the White House - if only provisional (read more here).

A spokeswoman for Mulvaney's office described the remark as obsolete, according to the New York Times. The sentences had fallen before Mulvaney met Trump. "He likes and respects the president, and he likes working for him."