CDU General Secretary Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has called for a fair competition of candidates for the CDU chairmanship. "It must not be a ruinous competition that leaves behind a party that is no longer closed," said the politician, who runs for the succession of Angela Merkel, at an event of the Berlin CDU-Kreisverbandes Reinickendorf.

Kramp-Karrenbauer had announced via Twitter that they wanted to speak publicly on Wednesday for the first time to their candidacy. She was convinced "that I bring with me what you need as party leader to bring a party forward," she said at the CDU event.

Variety of candidates an "expression of quality"

"It's a good finding that we do not have to go searching for weeks now," Kramp-Karrenbauer said. Rather, there are several suitable candidates for the party presidency. "This is an expression of the quality of this party." However, the CDU should not now for weeks to the legislature in December to deal with themselves and not "circling around their own belly shop." The people in Germany would not understand that.

Kramp-Karrenbauer is considered a promising candidate for the successor of party leader Merkel. In addition to the Saarländerin ex-union leader Friedrich Merz and Health Minister Jens Spahn opportunities are granted. So far, twelve CDU members have registered for candidatures in Hamburg at the beginning of December.