Mediapart questions Wednesday the "fiscal patriotism" Dany Boon, claiming, documented, that the star actor and director "chain tax residences abroad, with investments in controversial hedge funds".

The documents on which the investigative site is based, presented in a "video survey", "reveal a strange attitude for a tax patriot who consistently denies lending to the game of tax optimization and tax evasion or has a any link with tax havens, "says Mediapart, which does not evoke tax fraud.

Eleven investments in voracious hedge funds. Mediapart's video about the third favorite French personality, according to the latest poll of the Journal du Dimanche , evokes tax residences in the United States and Britain and details eleven investments in voracious hedge funds, "Hedge Funds", particularly in 2014 and 2015, passing through tax havens in the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands. Dany Boon, contacted by AFP via his lawyer, did not wish to comment immediately.

The actor claimed to have refused to create a structure in Luxembourg. In March 2018, the director of Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis , the biggest hit in France for a French film (20.5 million admissions), had assured France 5 that it had refused to create a structure in Luxembourg to reduce its taxes. "I wanted to pay my taxes in France," he said on the set of C to you . A month earlier, in the weekly Marianne , he said pay "50% tax in France." "I won this money thanks to my country, the education I received, it's normal that it comes back to him," he added.

"It is the staging by Dany Boon of his fiscal patriotism that has sparked a movement of sources to us," said the journalist Mediapart Fabrice Arfi in the video posted by the site. "The reality is more complex," for the site, which ushered in a new film-investigative format titled "Dany Boon's Tax Comedy". The investigation site says he has tried in vain to get in touch with Dany Boon and his advice.