Mobilization down for "act 6" of the "yellow vests": there were a little less than 24,000 protesters in France at 14h Saturday. In the regions, blockages took place on different strategic points. In Savoie, the "yellow vests" were gathered at the tollgate of St. Helena, on the A43, point of entry to the ski resorts of the Tarentaise. Despite the heavy traffic, the day was calm.

Joy and good mood. The holidaymakers were greeted by Marie and her big banner. "We welcome them in Savoy.Today, it's a smile operation, we try to make them go home with joy and good humor, block them as little as possible and make their toll pass pleasant" says the protester, yellow vest on her back. Behind her, one of her comrades brought back a drums whose sound punctuated the event all day long.

In the deserted toll booths, the "yellow vests" were able to start the conversation with the motorists. "We take the ticket, we offer and the toll and a small explanation on the RIC as a bonus," said one of the protesters posted in his cabin. The RIC is the citizens' initiative referendum, one of the main demands of the movement.

DÉCRYPTAGE> Citizen's initiative referendum, instructions for use

Holidaymakers in solidarity. Overall, the event was rather well received by holidaymakers who go up to the resorts with the skis on the roof of the car. "France has to move a bit, it's good that there are some who are mobilized," said a driver. "We're bottom behind you, do not let go of anything," says another. No incident is to be deplored while the gendarmes have been watching the grain all day.

A stone's throw away, the atmosphere was more tense in Grenoble, where clashes, sometimes violent, took place between 200 "yellow vests" and a hundred policemen.