By RFIPalled on 03-23-2019Today the 23-03-2019 at 11:43

In Mali, the Islamist and Muslim Support Group (GSIM), the main al-Qaeda jihadist alliance in the Sahel, has claimed responsibility for attacking Malian soldiers in the military camp in Dioura, in the center of the country. from the country. The attack took place on March 17 and killed nearly 30 people.

It is in the night of Friday to this Saturday, March 23rd that the communiqué reached us. The claim follows the usual channel of jihadist communication, via the Mauritanian agency Al-Akhbar. GSIM presents the attack as a reprisal for the crimes committed by the government and its militia against the Fulani.

Iyad Ag Ghali's movement also said that the attack was carried out by men from the Macina, an active group in central Mali , under the command of Amadou Koufa himself, leader of the Macina, which had been thought for a long time. he had been killed in a French operation in November.

In addition to the trauma for the Malian army, this attack also has profound political repercussions. A national mourning of three days was decreed on Friday, and President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta has lectured the military hierarchy suggesting that there had been negligence Dioura and he would tolerate more.

Families are angry, though. Women and children of soldiers killed in various attacks demonstrated Friday in Segou and Sévaré, in the center of the country to denounce the lack of resources of the army. Thursday, in Nioro, in the west of the country, it was the chief of staff who was conspired.

    On the same subject

    Mahamat Saleh Annadif, head of Minusma: Dioura attack is "a blow"

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    Mali: Concern around Dioura after the attack on the army

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