Rola Asfour - Oman

Every day, people are exposed to feelings and angry feelings about following up on local or international news or because of hearing bad news about themselves or their loved ones. This leads to a decrease in their positive energy, negative energy that negatively affects their behavior and reactions, and psychological and physical illness.

Balance of chakras
Hanadi al-Husani, an expert on energy science, says that God created the positive energy in man, but man is used to the "negative energy" resulting from environmental pollution surrounding him, dealing with electrical devices, his way of life, the type of food, Anxiety, and many things that increase his negative energy and reduce his positive energy.

This affects the seven centers of energy, called chakras, where they become imbalanced. This affects the frequency of the person, so that it attracts the negative energy of the self and the negative events, and thus the physical body becomes vulnerable to diseases, accidents and pain.

The concept of energy
To learn more about the concept of energy and the impact of its "positive and negative" quality on humans, Al-Jazeera met with Hanadi Al-Husani, who believes that "energy" is an aura containing "invisible" frequencies and vibrations emanating from everything in the universe with different intensities. And vibrations and launch, since the human spirit and ideas and words and everything that comes out of his body and the actions and the way he lives, all of the above is classified as "energy."

Frequency effect
Al-Husani adds that the higher the person keeps his frequencies and vibrations, the higher his positive energy, and thus he is able to attract the goals that he seeks to achieve "health, abundance and success," and other things that increase his happiness.

The positive person affects the environment around him, as his positive frequencies make him loved to seek around him to get closer to him and deal with him, in order to benefit from the high positive frequencies emanating from him.

An expert and an expert in energy science, Hanadi al-Husani said that the higher your positive energy, the closer you are to the goals you seek to achieve,

14 Way of shipment
Husani shows that each person can recharge himself with positive energy. To achieve this, he must follow the following tips:

1 - interest in the body drinking water and exercise and breathing deeply to deliver a large amount of oxygen to the body.

Are you going to "pessimism, discontent and rejection", which leads to a decrease in your positive energy, or is destined to cause such heights as "optimism, joy, happiness and hope"?

3. Monitor your thoughts that affect your life. The more positive your life becomes, the happier you will be.

4 - Make sure that the first person who needs help is "yourself", take care of, appreciate, and be sure that you are of high value, and that God created you and your generosity and ridiculed the universe for you.

5 - Keep your smile, and the optimism of good, and help others, and giving.

6 - Try as much as possible to visit the natural places from time to time because it helps you to recharge yourself with positive energy, and preferably walk on the dirt barefoot.

7 - Think best of God and be absolutely confident that God Almighty able to facilitate your affairs.

8. Stay away from pessimistic, pessimistic people who complain and grumble.

9. Set specific goals in every aspect of life; a person who does not set goals will have no ambition or passion to move his life forward.

10 - Focus on what you want to achieve in your life, because the universe does not receive vague messages, and select what you want "money .. health .. happiness"?

11 - deal with the problems on the basis that you are responsible for it and blame no one, remember that you are responsible for your life and your reality and your future, and it is your duty to face these problems and to find solutions and decisions and steps to move forward.

12. Live for the moment, "let go of the past that has passed" because it causes you permanent feeling of remorse, and may lead to depression. Do not worry about the future so you do not always feel pressure and tension.

13. I am grateful for everything in your life, and for all that God has given you, you have been grateful for the simple things you have become accustomed to, and you will find them do and multiply, and you will attract more that will delight you.

14 - Try to focus on what pleased you, and keep in mind what bothers you, because everything we focus on more, and we reject and resist more.