They are, one by one, boarded this morning. The mission of these 26 children of CM1 of the school of the Sacred Heart in Lorient? Produce a report on the trimaran Gitana 17 and his skipper, Sébastien Josse, for the magazine Dimoitou which will be published in Sunday Ouest-France on 4 November.

They already love the sea and the boats these children of CM1 of the school of the Sacred Heart in Lorient. All year long, these 26 schoolchildren take advantage of maritime sequences, and learn sailing in Kerguélen or on the pond of the Ter. This Tuesday morning, they are aboard Gitana 17 on the site of Lorient-La Base, meeting a giant of the seas, skippered by Sebastien Josse.

The huge Gitana17 seen from behind, in Lorient-La Base. | Pierre Wadoux

To read in Sunday Ouest-France

On board, the children discovered the operation of a multihull cut for the offshore race and asked dozens of questions to the skipper. Their report will be published on November 4th in Dimoitou, the children's magazine of Dimanche Ouest-France

Come on, we get on board! | Pierre Wadoux