By RFIPosted on 15-10-2018Modified on 15-10-2018 at 23:43

The publication of the regional and municipal results of Saturday, October 13 continues in Côte d'Ivoire. The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) continues its work in a climate of suspicion of fraud and manipulation of results. On October 15, after a weekend of protests and tensions marked by the deaths of three people, the IEC continues to squeeze the numbers.

In Côte d'Ivoire, the announcement of the latest results of municipal was expected this October 15 to 18h but the country is still waiting, without news of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). The scores of about 150 town halls out of 201 in the country are however known.

There is thus a comfortable advance of the presidential coalition RHDP which wins the Abidjan communes of Treichville, Koumassi, Yopougon and Abobo where was elected the Minister of Defense, Hamed Bakayoko. In the interior of the country, the power captures the communes of Bouaké, the second city of the country, Grand-Bassam and San-Pédro, strategic because of its commercial port.

For its part, the PDCI, now in opposition, wins the important city of Cocody and keeps the mayor of the Plateau, the business center of Abidjan which has experienced a very tense climate from the day of the vote to last night before the candidate of the majority RHDP does not recognize his defeat this October 15 afternoon.

In the rest of the country, the historical party keeps the administrative capital Yamoussoukro, founded by the father of independence, Felix Houphouet-Boigny, and Daoukro, the fief of the current leader of the party, Henri Konan Bédié.

Breakthrough of independents

There is also a breakthrough among independent candidates who have so far won more municipalities than the PDCI, thus taking second place on the podium in this election.

In Abidjan, in the Plateau, Fabrice Sawegnon, communicator well known for having organized the campaigns of different African heads of state of the sub-region, was facing Jacques Ehouo. The atmosphere was very tense because everyone claimed victory from the evening of October 13th. But this afternoon, Fabrice Sawegnon acknowledged his defeat on his Facebook wall. The neighborhood is therefore more peaceful now than the day before.

On the other hand, in Port-Bouët, the supporters of the PDCI candidate were demonstrating tonight in front of the local headquarters of the party, always waiting for the publication of the results. They thought they had won and wondered why election officials did not pronounce the victory of their candidate. They would like to protest in front of the local CIS, but are prevented by the police, which gives rise to fears of overflowing.

►A (re) read: Local Elections in Côte d'Ivoire: The Challenges of the Election

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