Germany recently suspended arms deliveries to Saudi Arabia following the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in his consulate in Istanbul.

In a report written by Armin Arifi, France's Le Pen newspaper adds that Germany is urging its European partners - such as France - to follow suit.

Between January and September this year, Berlin exported $ 416.4 million worth of arms to Riyadh, including sales of radar systems for the Saudi artillery.

Germany is the only country that has announced action in retaliation for Khashoggi's death, even without waiting for new facts on the issue that the Saudis have already requested information about.

Controversy and questioning
The magazine pointed out that the issue of the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia has already sparked controversy in the German coalition fragile, adding that Berlin stressed on Monday its position, and Germany called on all European countries to follow suit in this context, especially in the absence of disclosure of Riyadh the truth The entire killing of Khashoggi.

She wondered whether France would follow in the footsteps of Germany and is also dependent on arms sales to Saudi Arabia, adding that the French Foreign Ministry has avoided going into details in this context.

The French Foreign Ministry said on Monday that Paris' arms control policy is strict and based on a situation-by-case analysis, in the light of the EU-UN arms trade treaty and that arms exports to Saudi Arabia Are being studied in this context.

France and the Yemen War
"It is a mistake to consider Saudi Arabia as the main customer of France today in any field, and we have a strong partnership with Saudi Arabia and the UAE in the Arab region," French President Emmanuel Macaron told France 24 on October 12. "He said.

"This partnership is important, and it is not commercial, but strategic, because we have common interests in the region, which is important for us, and the fight against terrorism is in coordination with these countries," McCron said.

"What the French president says does not correspond to reality at all, and it can be ascertained by looking at the annual report of the French Armed Forces Ministry of the Armed Forces," Amnesty International's Emeric Elwin said.

Paris reported that Paris handed over 1.38 billion euros worth of arms to Riyadh last year, making it France's second biggest client after Egypt in the sector.

According to Elwyn, the question of French arms sales to Saudi Arabia is problematic, especially because of many suspicions about their use in the war of the Saudi-UAE alliance on Yemen.

The magazine spoke extensively about the controversy over the French weapons used in the war on Yemen, and that it contributed to fueling the conflict in the country.