Google has launched an electronic cemetery for its services and products, which wrote the final chapter because of its inability to achieve the desired success.

These include Google Plus, Google Talk, Allo, Nexus smartphones and ChromeBook Pixels.

By visiting, the user can learn about the services and products that have left the world of technology, and the reasons that prompted Google to write the testimony of her death.

Google has added a new feature that can calculate the lifespan of its dead product. On average, Google killed 150 products in 13 years, meaning Google's average product life is four years and one month.

The year 2011 is the year of grief for Google products, where it buried 26 products, most notably Google Buzz and Google Decchner.

As former Google CEO Eric Schmidt once said, "We are celebrating our failures," the company has established this cemetery to remember applications and products that have formed over time and experience the expertise of the online search giant.