On March 10, the crew at the entrance to the rally was not allowed to the event. Due to the fact that they had video equipment, they were redirected to the entrance through the press area.

A spokeswoman for the Libertarian Party, Sonia Blade, on March 10, said in her Twitter message that she had not let RT and Ruptly into the press zone. Later, she also stressed that she was denied “access to the press area near the stage, and not to the rally”.

“From my point of view, representatives of this party are now trying to justify themselves and are trying to justify their actions. Since actions to prevent journalists from organizing their activities and covering this event are, of course, a violation of the law on the media. If the organizers of this action themselves are trying to position themselves as certain defenders of freedom of speech, constitutional rights of citizens, then actions to limit the work of journalists and the media are a violation of the rights of citizens to receive reliable information, ”said Yarmush.

According to her, at present, any attempts to justify and somehow distort facts are questioning the legality of the actions of those who organized, who made the decision on admission and non-admission.

“The organizers simply tried to show their disrespect and discredit RT as media. The society rejects this refusal negatively; in social networks, many have paid attention to the fact that journalists are not allowed to cover this event. The image of this party in the eyes of the Russian public, I think, even the world, has suffered. In the future, this may affect their reputation, ”the lawyer added.

On March 10, the crew of the RT channel and the Ruptly agency were not allowed to rally in support of freedom of speech in RuNet, which took place on Academician Sakharov Avenue in Moscow. A representative of the organizers of the rally, the Libertarian Party, told RT journalists that they were working in “inappropriate” media and would be allowed into the press area only if they left the company. In addition, RTVI journalists were not allowed to the demonstration, considering them “affiliated” with RT because of a similar name.