“We consider this information premature and urge to refrain from hasty conclusions. Maria is still on solitary confinement, the petition of lawyers to transfer Butina to the general regime was rejected, ”he said.

He noted that the defense appealed to the US Federal Bureau of Prisons with an identical initiative.

“We hope that the appeal will be considered in a positive way. Today, our task lies in the plane of consistently upholding the legitimate interests and rights of Maria Butina. We appeal to the Russian society with a request to provide all possible assistance to Mary through the established Foundation, ”he added.

Ragulin indicated that all funds would be used to cover the costs of American lawyers.

“For our part, we are grateful to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of the Commissioner for the Protection of Human Rights in Russia and other state structures involved in defending the rights of our compatriot,” he concluded.

Earlier, Father Butina expressed doubts about the possibility of concluding a “deal” between his daughter and the prosecution.

According to Bloomberg, Butina expressed her readiness to conclude a certain “deal” with the prosecution side in the framework of the process.