“I talked about this today to French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian. He did not answer. The issue is not only in the French national legislation, but also in the initiatives coming from Paris as part of their international efforts, ”said Lavrov.

According to him, we are talking, in particular, about the “white lists of the media”, which impede access to information by the media that did not fall into them, about the declaration drawn up by the “Reporters without Borders” and adopted by a number of countries.

The Foreign Minister asked his colleague why issues related to the global approach to news are not being discussed on a global scale, for example, at the OSCE or the UN.

“I understand that it is more difficult to discuss, coordinate any issue in a format when different points of view are presented, than to promote your own initiatives, imposing them with all sorts of ways,” the minister stressed.

Earlier, the National Assembly (the lower house of parliament) of France adopted in the final reading bills aimed at combating the manipulation of information and false news.