“As for the security problem on the Syrian-Turkish border, it arose primarily because of the US decision to withdraw from these areas ... first of all, its special forces, its military advisers and, as a result, its loyal units. Of course, this situation requires immediate steps to prevent a vacuum there, ”said Lavrov.

According to him, Russia considers it quite possible for Turkey and Syria to use the agreement between them, the agreement, the so-called Adan Agreement of 1998, for these purposes.

"As I understand it, the Syrian government also made a statement the other day, which indicates its readiness to work on the basis of this agreement to ensure the border security regime," Lavrov said.

He added that security should be a major concern.

Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the buffer zone will appear in the north of Syria in the coming months. The creation of a buffer zone of security in northeastern Syria was one of the topics of Erdogan’s talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Moscow.