Leader in the European market, the manufacturer and coachbuilder Gruau, based in Saint-Berthevin, near Laval (Mayenne), launched in June 2018 G'Lease. This "tailor-made" offer for converted utility vehicle rental is "aimed at professionals whose needs are out of line". In six months, two hundred quotes have been signed.

G'Lease (lease in English) is the name of a tailor-made offer that responds to the "growing number of professionals" who use long-term leasing. Launched in June 2018, it is doing pretty well since "two hundred quotes were signed in six months, " said Gruau's press officer.

The Mayenne company Gruau, headquartered in Saint-Berthevin, near Laval, employs 1,500 people and processes more than 54,000 vehicles a year. This family group launched this long-term rental offer dedicated to commercial vehicles: food truck, transport of persons with reduced mobility, funeral vehicle, ambulance, etc.

The G'Lease offer launched by the Mayenne group Gruau in June 2018 offers professionals the opportunity to rent utilities over a long period. | Gruau Group

In a press release, Gruau explains that thanks to the G'Lease offer, he "offers the professional the opportunity to choose the vehicle that suits him, to define the layout he needs and to control the costs of his tool. working through a fixed rent " . The rental period ranges from 12 to 72 months and from 10,000 to 200,000 km.