Based in Rennes since 2017, the author recently presented his two new albums. The opportunity to discover a happy personality and a talent that asserts itself.

"From the age of 9-10, I drew gags in one page. It was my way of expression, " smiles Léa Mazé.

As a teenager, she discovered Ordinary Combat , one of Manu Larcenet's strongest works. A real slap. "I liked how the subject was told, the synthetic and expressive graphics, the few completely silent sequences. After, I hulled all his comics! "

The young Bretonne starts to participate in comic book competitions - including that of young talents, Quai des Bulles, where she won the Young Hope Award in the category of over 16 years. "These competitions allowed me to discuss for the first time with authors" .

With the baccalaureate in hand, she joined the animated film industry of the Estienne school, realizing that this is not quite her thing, and branch to the Auguste-Renoir high school, for a training in comics. " I took advantage of my graduation project to develop my first project, Nora . La Gouttière editions, seduced, publish this first album, which deals beautifully with the learning of life through a little girl who raises existential questions.

Elma, a bear life. | Léa Mazé / Dargaud

His two new albums, both released on September 7, are also for young readers.

In Elma, a life of a bear , an album written by Ingrid Chabbert, she portrays with sweetness and humor the life of a carefree girl raised by a bear. Elma is actually the daughter of a mage, and her funny father Bear offers him a sensory and moving initiatory journey to join his mother.

Volume I of "Croques", illustrated and scripted by Léa Mazé. | Léa Mazé / The Gutter.

In Les Croques, place a brother and a sister whose parents work in the funeral and who track the adventure, in the nearby cemetery. "My parents live near a cemetery, and I loved that shivering side. I'm a fan of the Spooky Series and, of course, Harry Potter .

All these influences well digested, the one that settled in Rennes a year ago asserts its identity. "I like to tackle some serious themes, or a little" shunned ". Writing for youth is more than just entertainment, " she says. "Through these albums, I revisit certain memories of my childhood and college years, between nostalgia and critical eyes" . With always this drawing at once round, tender and incisive, which accompanies his stories with grace.

Elma, a bear life. | Léa Mazé / Dargaud

Elma, a bear life . Volume I, The big trip . Dargaud, 40 p., € 10.95.

The Croques , Volume I, Killing time . The Gutter, 72 p., 13,70 €.

"The Croques", volume I. | Léa Mazé / The Gutter.

Léa Mazé in six dates

1990. Born in Crozon.

2009-2011. Studies at the Estienne school, animation film industry.

2011-2013. Comic book training at Auguste-Renoir, Paris.

2015. Release of his first album, Nora (The Gutter).

2017. Settles in Rennes.

2018. Release of his 2nd and 3rd albums: Les Croques (La Gouttière) and Elma (Dargaud).