“Dear presidential candidates of Ukraine. Your recent test was ridiculous, ”Klitschko said.

He noted that “after taking blood tests or urine, for a couple of hours you can’t put it on social networks and show that I’m clean, it’s impossible to do, you need to spend at least 48 hours on it”.

In addition, the athlete proposed "to cover all costs associated with professional, and not artisanal testing", so that "citizens of Ukraine have a clean president, not only in urine and blood, but most importantly in their thoughts."

“And a request. Do not fool yourself and us, ”Klitschko concluded.

On the eve he made a proposal for Poroshenko and Zelensky to take a test at the World Anti-Doping Agency.

On the morning of April 5, Zelensky and Poroshenko underwent blood tests for drugs and alcohol. The first did it in a private clinic, the second - in the anti-doping center at the stadium.