Khadija Genghis, the fiancé of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, said the Saudi authorities were responsible for his murder, and that the kingdom should make more details so that those responsible could be tried.

"I and my government would like to bring all those responsible to justice, from the person who gave the order to those who carried it out and to be punished under international law," Khadija said in a question to Reuters whether she was responsible for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman or the ruling Saudi family.

"This assassination took place at the Saudi consulate, so it is likely that the Saudi authorities know how this crime took place," she said.

Khadija reported that she had received no contact from the son of Salman or the ruling Saudi family, nor did they give her condolences.

On the official American position on the incident, Khadija said the US response was disappointed, and that US President Donald Trump must ensure justice.

"Saudi Arabia's interpretations so far are not enough," she said. "I want to know the details of the official."

Saudi Arabia has arrested 18 people and isolated five high-ranking government officials as part of the Khashoggi investigation. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Riyadh to reveal who had been ordered to kill, and the Turkish attorney general prepared a request for Saudi Arabia to extradite the 18 suspects.

The issue of Khashoggi's death raised international outrage and caused Saudi Arabia to face a major crisis. The White House said the administration was considering a number of options to respond to Riyadh in the light of a report by CIA Director Gina Haspel that met with President Trump last week and Saudi involvement in the case.