Britain, France and Germany have called for a comprehensive and urgent investigation that clearly exposes responsibilities and is properly held accountable for crimes committed in connection with the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in his consulate in Istanbul.

"There is an urgent need" to clarify exactly what happened in the killing of the Saudi journalist and called for more efforts to uncover the truth in a comprehensive, transparent and convincing manner, the joint statement said.

"Nothing can justify the killing of Khashoggi, and we condemn it in the strongest possible terms," ​​the statement added. London, Paris and Berlin called on Riyadh to present facts supporting its account of what happened to the Saudi journalist to be convincing.

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The Saudi Novel
In an apparent rejection of the Saudi version, which said Khashoggi died after a quarrel inside her consulate in Istanbul after two weeks of denying any connection to his disappearance, the tripartite statement said: "There is still an urgent need to clarify exactly what happened, far from the hypotheses raised by the Saudi investigation so far "He said.

Earlier, Britain's minister of the affairs of the UK, Dominique Rapp, told BBC Radio: "No, I do not think it is reasonable. We support the Turkish investigation into the case. Accountability of those responsible for this death ".

The British minister said there was "a serious question mark on the novel that was given," pointing out that there is a need to find out what happened before a decision on how to act.

French Finance Minister Bruno Lemerre said Saudi Arabia's admission that Khashoggi had been killed inside its consulate in Istanbul was welcome.

But Lemerre urged the Kingdom to continue a thorough and transparent investigation to the end.