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Donald Trump in the Oval Office at the White House on October 17, 2018. REUTERS / Joshua Roberts

Who ordered the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi? Donald Trump said the US intelligence services would finalize their report earlier this week, without specifying if it would be made public. Will Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman be accused? And if so, how will the United States react to this privileged partner? The White House continues to be particularly embarrassed.

With our correspondent in New York, Grégoire Pourtier

Kirsten Fontenrose was a member of the National Security Council of the White House, and she was recently in Saudi Arabia to discuss the sanctions the United States will take in retaliation for the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Defending a hard line, Kirsten Fontenrose would have had, on his return, mesh with his hierarchy, and finally left his post. This episode reflects the tension that this case causes in Washington, where we want to display firmness, but without cutting off a crucial ally.

On the front line, Donald Trump always says he is waiting for the final conclusions of the US investigation . In an interview broadcast on Sunday, the president also said he did not want to listen to the tape provided by Turkey. " It's a sound of suffering, a terrible sound. I was made fully aware of what it is, I do not need to hear it, "he said.

If 17 Saudis, some of very high ranks, have already been sanctioned by the United States, it is obviously the possible implication of Mohammed ben Salman which is the most problematic.

Trump is reluctant to question the Crown Prince, the pillar of the reunification between the two countries . But in Congress, and in both camps, one pushes for an uncompromising response. Senator Lindsey Graham, for example, said this Sunday that despite hopes placed in Ben Salman, he never wanted to " work with him " again.