The first series took place in July, the second in October. It took a meticulous work of gendarmes to solve about twenty burglaries, Ille-et-Vilaine and Loire-Atlantique.

The testimonies of the victims, who parade to the number of ten, Wednesday, November 28, at the bar of the Criminal Court, give a glimpse of the voracity of thieves. Jewelry, cash, clothes, trinkets, multimedia devices, cameras ... The burglars took everything that could have value on resale.

The first journey begins in Vern-sur-Seiche, south of Rennes on July 18th. A car is stolen and two burglaries committed. The same car is seen in the following days on other burglaries in Ille-et-Vilaine. Several breaks follow. Each time, the perpetrators, two or three in number, violently break the door and enter the house.

The gendarmes photograph thieves

The second series takes place on October 10 and 11. But the gendarmes have already done a very specific job on the first facts. DNA fingerprints are identified, phones are identified. Investigators accumulate evidence on two suspects. They even photograph them at the scene of a robbery in Piré-sur-Seiche.

On October 18, two suspects were arrested in Rennes. Two men of 28 and 20 years old. Searches make it possible to find stolen objects and sums of money in cash. The first has already been sentenced for the same reasons, the second seems to have a blank record. In custody, they deny everything, reproaching the gendarmes for not having any evidence. They are wrong.

"I'm taking drugs"

This Wednesday, they appeared, both dressed in white, in the box of the defendants. More than a month after their arrest, they changed their behavior. They admit everything. "I made mistakes, without thinking," lets out a little bump the older one.

The chair points out that he still had time to think about it. Between the two series, he went to Morocco where he is a national. "I take drugs, he tries to justify himself. And I take the car, I put the music and I see the houses. Without drugs, I would not have done anything. "

The second defendant is even more difficult to define. One can not be sure of one's name and age, or even one's nationality. He claims to come from Libya, has applied for asylum in Germany. "I did not have anything to eat," he explains in court . I have no money. I did not have other solutions. "

"They just fly"

These explanations fail to convince the prosecutor. "The recognition of flights to half-word translates little sincerity, believes the magistrate. They only fly. Penalty required: 20 months of imprisonment for each and the revocation of a previous stay of ten months for the oldest. The defense tries to paint a more glowing portrait of his client: "He has only worked since he was in France, argues the lawyer, documents in hand . It's not just flying. "

The court sentences the oldest to two years in prison and revokes six months of stay. His accomplice is given two years, six months suspended. They started serving their sentence Wednesday night.