Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of US President Donald Trump and a White House adviser, said there was no comparison between her use of her personal e-mail in government work and the use of Hillary Clinton to rival her Democratic father in the 2016 election.

"All my messages are stored and stored," she said in an interview with ABC News. Nothing has been canceled. There was no hiding, no comparison or relevance to Clinton's position. "

Republican and Democratic lawmakers have called for an investigation of Ivanka's use of personal email 100 times in 2017, in connection with other Trump administration officials. The use of personal email in the government's actions violates a law calling for maintaining records of all presidential communications, Especially with respect to confidential information and the possibility of penetration.

Trump repeatedly criticized Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election campaign for using her own personal email and a private server while she was in office, vowing to investigate, prompting calls to "lock her up" among his supporters, but at the same time defending his daughter's use of her mail. , Last week, that all correspondence is reserved.

The New York Times reported that Trump upon assuming power wanted to order the Justice Department to try Hillary, but White House lawyers praised it.

The FBI investigated Clinton, but eventually concluded that no criminal charges were needed.