He wrote about this on his Facebook page.

As explained by the Prime Minister, Italy is ready to take this step because of the refusal of European partners to establish new rules in the field of migration policy and, in particular, to participate in the distribution of refugees who were rescued by the ship of the Italian coast guard "Diçotti".

"Yesterday I wrote that we will draw conclusions from this. I will explain better: we are working to introduce restrictions on the accession of Italy to the multi-year financial program, which is currently being discussed. In such circumstances, Italy does not consider it possible to join the budget, which implies such an inconsistent policy in the social sphere, "Conté wrote.

According to him, the unsuccessful meeting held earlier on the migration issue and, in particular, on the topic "Dichotti", became "a defeat of Europe".

"The meeting on migration issues, held in Brussels and ended in vain, is not the defeat of Italy, as some superficially wrote. This defeat of Europe, "- said the prime minister.

Earlier, Conte said that the EU shows a lack of solidarity and hypocrisy in connection with the migration crisis and the situation around the ship with the refugees "Diocotti".