
Singh, son Hak-kyu and Lee Jung-mi, are continuing for five days due to the conflict between the big bipartisan and the minority three parties surrounding the electoral system reorganization. The three parties went out to the outskirts of the National Assembly fence, and it seems that it is not easy to deal with the issue bill in the unusual arrangement that was not seen in the meantime.

I am a journalist.


[Introduce interlocking proportional representation! Introduce]

The Democratic Peace Party went out of the National Assembly to Gwanghwamun Square.

Sohn Hak-kyu of the right future party, Lee Jung-mi of the righteous party, and two representative hungry persecution are continuing for five days. There is tremendous betrayal on the Democratic Party.

[Lee Jung-mi / President of the Justice Party: Did you impeach the candle in the winter two years ago for a solidarity party, not a reform party?]

The goal of the conflict between the Democratic Party, the Korean Party and the three parties that passed the budget without reforming the electoral system is deepening as it gets deeper.

The budget bill has been finalized, but there are still many issues left in political circles, such as judicial reforms such as the impeachment of judges and special courts, and the handling of the Kindergarten 3 law.

The Democratic Party and the South Korean Party, which have tackled the budget process, are at a standstill in the remaining issues.

The Democratic Party handled the Kindergarten 3 law and other measures at the one-point National Assembly on October 20, and the three parties are opposed to the reform of the electoral system by opening the extraordinary National Assembly in December.

It is not easy to find a solution to the problems that remain in the unprecedented composition of 1, 2, 3 Da, 3 Party, since the negotiation of the two sides starts from today (10th).