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Judged for the murder of a five-year-old girl, Jennifer Wenisch faces life imprisonment. In Munich, April 9, 2019. Peter Kneffel / dpa / AFP

The trial of a member of the Islamic State organization opened Tuesday (April 9th) in Munich, Germany. She is accused of allowing a Yazidi girl in Iraq to die of thirst.

Jennifer Wenisch, a 27-year-old German, left Germany in September 2014 to join ISIS. According to the prosecution, she patrolled, armed, for the police of the mores of the terrorist organization in Fallujah and Mosul from June to September 2015. This force ensured in particular respect for the rules of conduct and clothing set by the jihadists.

At the same time, she and her husband bought a five-year-old girl and her mother from among a group of Yazidi prisoners to make them slaves. To punish the child who had wet his mattress, the husband had tied her to the sun and let her die of thirst. The accusation accuses Jennifer Wenisch of doing nothing to save the girl. Even for Daesh, this punishment had gone too far and the husband had been punished and beaten with sticks. The couple then preferred to leave Iraq for Turkey.

While trying to renew her passport at the German embassy in Ankara, Jennifer Wenisch was arrested and extradited to her country, says our correspondent in Berlin Pascal Thibaut .

The accused faces life imprisonment. The German civil plaintiffs claim in a joint statement that it is not only judged for war crimes and murder, but also for crimes against humanity, trafficking in human beings and torture.

To read also: The Yazidis' long struggle for the recognition of their "genocide"