Iran has attacked the Warsaw Conference in Poland on Wednesday and Thursday, and will be at the top of his discussions Iran's nuclear file, describing it as "doomed to failure before it is held," while a senior US diplomat warned the European Union to circumvent the sanctions imposed on Iran.

In a separate statement, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that "the Warsaw Conference is doomed to failure before it is held." The United States gave up its anti-Iranian goals from the Warsaw meeting and tried to compensate for the atmosphere that was formed against it in some way. Held in the form that the United States wanted him to hold. "

He added: «All indicators show that they did not achieve their primary objectives of this meeting», pointing out that no Iranian officials were invited to attend the meeting.

The US and Polish foreign ministries announced in a joint statement that the ministerial conference "to discuss the future of the Middle East and the security situation in the region" will be held on 13 and 14 of this month, and US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, later said that "the summit of Poland will address several files, Especially the Iranian file ».

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, announced yesterday his intention to participate in the Warsaw Conference, and stressed that Iran will be the main issue on the agenda, and will discuss how to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

At the start of his weekly cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said he would meet US Vice President Mike Pence, Mike Pompio and other senior officials on the sidelines of the conference.

In a statement to the Welt am Sonntag newspaper, US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell said the EU's mechanism to help facilitate trade with Iran and circumvent US sanctions was a lack of respect for Washington's policies and an inappropriate course of action. .

Grenville added that US President Donald Trump was using sanctions to force Iran to return to the negotiating table, prevent it from developing nuclear weapons and develop its missile program, describing the European move as a "blatant challenge." He stressed that "circumventing US sanctions is not wise .

"In general, I think that Americans and Europeans have the same goals with regard to Iran, and while we agree on the goals, we disagree about the tactics that are being taken to achieve these goals," he said.

Germany, France and Britain launched the mechanism known as Instex at the end of January in an effort to maintain the nuclear deal with Iran, signed in 2015, which has already placed restrictions on Tehran's ability to develop nuclear weapons, and allows the mechanism of «Instex» trade without transactions Direct finance. For example, Iran could deliver oil or other products to Europe. Instead of paying money to Iranian banks, the money would go to European companies that sell medicine or food to Iran.

The United States vowed two days ago to continue "unabated" pressure on Iran to deter its missile program, following Iran's unveiling of a new ballistic missile, days after testing a missile. "Iran's blatant disregard of international norms should be addressed," State Department deputy spokesman Robert Paladino said in a statement. "We have to reinstate tougher international restrictions to deter Iran's missile program."

In the middle of last week, Trump addressed the US Congress on US efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. "Iran is a corrupt dictatorship, it will not get nuclear weapons, and Washington will not close its eyes to a system that calls for death to America," he said.

Last week, Iran reiterated its adherence to ballistic missile tests, rejected any negotiations and sent many accusations to the European Union after issuing a statement calling on it to stop acts that destabilize the region. Tehran described the European accusations as "hollow and sterile" Also responded to US President George W. Bush's comments on Washington's monitoring of Iran, saying Trump's comments were "not taken seriously", he said.

Iran has confirmed that it will continue to work to improve the accuracy of its missiles, but does not intend to increase the range of these missiles, and also preceded the Warsaw Conference to organize an exhibition of missiles and modern military mechanisms, as revealed images published by the American Digital Globe on space images, Iran's attempt to launch Iran to a new satellite, February 5, despite US objections to Tehran's space program, which helps it develop ballistic missiles.

The UN Security Council resolution, which enshrines a nuclear deal signed by Iran with major powers in 2015, called on Tehran to refrain for up to eight years from developing ballistic missiles designed to carry nuclear weapons. But Tehran is testing its missiles and claims that its missiles are incapable of Carrying nuclear warheads, but Western powers believe that Iran's missile tests are destabilizing the Middle East.

Zarif: No Iranian official was invited to attend the conference