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The video was released the same day that Jeremy Corbyn meets Theresa May to try to find a way out at Brexit on April 3, 2019. REUTERS / Henry Nicholls

In the United Kingdom, the Ministry of Defense announced on Wednesday (April 3rd) the opening of an internal investigation following the broadcast on social networks of a video showing soldiers training to shoot a portrait of the head of the Labor Party Jeremy Corbyn.

The video lasts 25 seconds, but it is long enough to leave users speechless. There are four soldiers, in lattice and beret burgundy, unloading their handguns on a portrait of Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the British Labor line. According to the British press agency Press Association, the footage was shot in Kabul, Afghanistan, and shows soldiers from the 3rd battalion of the parachute regiment.

The site where the video was shot is dedicated to the training of personalities. Their portraits are usually used to show them, says Sky News. But on the video, that of Jeremy Corbyn is riddled with bullet holes.

" If (the video is) authentic, it's unacceptable, " tweeted Secretary of State Tobias Ellwood.

If authentic this is unacceptable.
Am looking into it. https://t.co/njZBDGJxyG

Tobias Ellwood MP (@Tobias_Ellwood) April 3, 2019

" This behavior is alarming and unacceptable, " responded the Labor spokesperson. " We have confidence in the Ministry of Defense to investigate and respond to this incident. " This behavior is totally unacceptable, " a spokesman for the ministry said in a statement, adding that an investigation had been opened.

Coming from the left of the Labor Party, which he headed in 2015, Jeremy Corbyn, 69, is a figure vilified by the British right, who regularly equates him to a " Marxist ". As a claimed pacifist, he promised, if he came to power, to conduct a foreign policy based on " conflict resolution and human rights ", and to be " guided by the values ​​of peace, human rights and man and international law ".

This video appears on the networks this Wednesday, the same day that Jeremy Corbyn met with Prime Minister Theresa May to try to find a way out of the Brexit crisis.