In a report released on Monday, the website of the Iranian intelligence agency, the International Intelligence Agency, published an unannounced report on the motives of the unannounced visit by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to Damascus and his meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on December 16. The outbreak of the Syrian revolution in 2011 that was eventually extinguished by Bashar Assad.

According to the intelligence website, while Russian diplomats seek to break Assad's isolation by arranging visits by Arab leaders to Damascus, including Lebanese President Michel Aoun and his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the Sudanese president's visit was another goal. The website confirms that al-Bashir has no intention of acting as a mediator in the rehabilitation of the Syrian president, contrary to what the media reported then on the reasons for the visit.

The Sudanese pound fell sharply against the dollar and other foreign currencies (the island)

After al-Bashir expressed the usual statements about the need for Arab unity against Israel, al-Bashir's primary goal, according to sources close to the Sudanese presidency, was to discuss possible cooperation with the Russians (who coordinated the visit and did not meet directly) and explore how they might work together in the field of Exploration, particularly in the diamond sector.

Empty cabinets
With its empty coffers, Sudan is seeking partnerships with Russia in mineral exploration projects, including uranium, which is behind Russia and several Western countries. Some studies have pointed to the availability of this metal, which goes into the manufacture of nuclear weapons, in locations in western Sudan where the security situation has encouraged the start of such activity.

In Sudan, there are many Russian companies working in mineral exploration in various Sudanese regions, especially gold, which became the source of economic support for the country after the secession of southern Sudan, causing Sudan to lose most of its oil production, which is close to 500 thousand barrels per day for the new state.

Sudanese sources have reported the availability of commercial stocks of precious metals such as uranium and diamonds in the Darfur region, which witnessed a fierce war that claimed the lives of thousands of people according to international organizations and because of which the Sudanese president is wanted by the International Criminal Court.

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Some media have reported Russia's economic support for the al-Bashir government, which faces strong street protests, the strongest since it took power 30 years ago, only three days after its short visit to Damascus and is still going on at a lower pace. But the Sudanese government has denied receiving any financial support from Moscow, which has not been confirmed or denied any such support.

The visit of al-Bashir to Syria has raised many speculation about its motives and timing, and was met with wide criticism from the Syrian opposition, which considered it a step with a regional dimension aimed at rehabilitating Assad and his return to the Arab political scene and regain his seat in the Arab League, which was expelled in 2011, while welcomed by supporters of the regime , And considered it evidence of Arab recognition of Assad's victory in the war.