They failed to hand over to the President of the Region Pays de la Loire the 4,000 signatures collected against the closure of the box office at Evron station in Mayenne.

"We were received like a dog in a game of bowling by the Region," says Patrice Bouillon, one of the leaders of France insubordinate in Mayenne (sector Coëvrons).

"Very scornful"

On Monday, November 12, several Mayenne members of insubordinate France had gone to Nantes. They wanted to hand in their own hands to the president of the Pays de la Loire Region the 4,000 signatures of their paper petition (nearly 900 on the internet) against the closing of the ticket office at the Évron station.

They did not see Christelle Morançais. They were not allowed to enter the area hotel either. "We warned the president of the Region of our arrival at the end of October. This is very contemptuous for the population of Coëvrons, " said Patrice Bouillon.

Insubordinate France was finally able to hand over its petitions to Christelle Morançais' chief of staff. But "he was not at all aware of our local problem," says Patrice Bouillon.