On Tuesday, the presidential party presented the top 30 candidates on its list for the European elections.


It is with nearly a month late on the date initially announced that the Republic on the move! revealed, Tuesday, a big part of its list for the European elections of May 26th. Led by Nathalie Loiseau, who will leave her post as Minister for European Affairs on Wednesday, the first 30 candidates have been carefully selected to try to maintain a certain balance. If that between men and women is made mandatory by legislation, Stéphane Séjourné, former advisor to the Élysée detached to take care of the constitution of this team, also made sure to respect principles of openness to civil society as well as to maintain a certain political diversity.

A respected parity

If, in terms of parity, LREM merely obeys the legislation, the party nevertheless chose a woman to conduct its list. What is not a detail: if the movement elects an odd number of MEPs, there will be among them more women than men.

European LREM 1

A diversity of parties

"Neither right nor left," LREM had to keep a political balance within its troops. A dozen candidates are members of the movement, but almost as many (7) do not belong to any party or have not publicly revealed their membership. A substantial place (5 people) is left to the MoDem, allied with LREM. The Mouvement Agir, to which LR defectors who have not adhered to LREM belong, also has two representatives.

European LREM parties

Opening on civil society

As in the 2017 legislative elections, LREM wanted to nominate people from civil society. A lawyer, a farmer, a sailor or two journalists are on this list of 30 names. In addition, there are five "hybrid" personalities, that is at least as well known for their political activities as for their civil careers, or who go back and forth between the two. This is the case of the head of the list, Nathalie Loiseau, diplomat before joining the government, or Pascal Canfin, No. 2, former minister of François Hollande became president of WWF France which he has just resigned to present himself to the Europeans.

European LREM civil society

A balance of territories

In previous years in France, political parties did not present one but several lists for the Europeans, each corresponding to a territory. With the introduction of a national list, LREM has tried to keep a balance on this side as well. There are two candidates from the overseas territories. But also, and rarely, two foreign personalities: Sandro Gozi, former Italian politician, and Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Greek gynecologist-surgeon.

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