Splash Data, a security and protection company, released a list of the worst passwords for 2018, based on five million passwords leaked to the Internet.

Traffic signs "123456" and "password" remained the worst passwords since 2017, while the list entered new words this year such as the password inspired by the name of US President "donald", which ranked 23rd in the worst password.

In the following list Worst 25 passwords and the least secure for 2018 According to the company's report:

1- "123456" maintained its superiority as the worst password since last year.

2- The password has not changed since last year.

3. "123456789" have risen three centers since last year.

4. "12345678" has been ranked as one of the rankings since last year.

5. "12345" has not changed since last year.

6. "111111" has not changed since last year.

7. "1234567" is higher than one center.

8- (Sunshine) A new password.

9 - (qwerty) I downloaded five centers.

10. (iloveyou) has not changed since last year.

11- (princes) a new password.

12- (admin) I got one center.

13- (hallo) I dropped one center.

"666666" new password.

15. (abc123) has not changed since last year.

16- (football) I lost seven positions.

17. "123123" has not changed its status since last year.

18- (Monkey) Five centers were dropped.

19- "654321" new password.

20 (! @ # $% ^ & *) A new password.

21- (charli) A new password.

22 (aa12345) New password.

23- (donald) A new password.

24- (password1) A new password.

25- (qwerty123) A new password.

Some of these passwords may not be widely circulated in our Arab world, but many are common, especially serial numbers, and there are no passwords in this list.

1. Use a passphrase of 12 or more characters with mixed types of characters.

2. Use a different password for each account, in this way if one of the hackers can access one of your passwords, they will not be able to use it to access other sites.

3. Protect your accounts with password management software to organize passwords, create secure random passwords, and automatically sign in to websites.