Kaspersky Lab security researchers say cybercriminals often use popular serials to spread viruses. The series "Conflict of the Arush" is the latest of these series.

Hackers are targeting viewers to hide viruses as illegal downloads and to inspire them to be episodes of the last season of the series, which will air next week.

Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to ring these rings so they do not have to buy expensive TV subscriptions.

In fact, episodes of "Conflict of Arush" and other programs that download them illegally, you are exposed to viruses that can destroy your computer.

Last year, specialists found that nearly 17% of episodes of the famous series were infected with viruses, with 21,000 users being hacked.

Strangely enough, in this big figure, the series did not produce any new episodes over the past year, demonstrating the hacker's ability to exploit viewers' love for the show.

Researchers found that more than 126,000 users downloaded malware instead of their favorite TV series in 2018.

These malware enable hackers to seize computers and access passwords and banking details.

"The Walking Dead" and "Arrow" series are among the most popular shows that hackers use to download viruses.

The number of users who download "conflict Arroush" between 10 and 15% of the total victims of attacks using hidden malware in the form of television programs in 2018, the number decreased by a third of the year 2017, because of the removal of pirates from the exploitation of sites "Torrent "And other download tools because of the world's tightening of policies on hacked content and dealing with intellectual property such as physical property, experts say.

Experts say the decline may be due to the increased popularity of other sites that do not require file downloads, although they may be the source of various threats.