Reports about it

It is noted that on billboards posted photos of the head of the Hungarian Party of Ukraine Vasily Brenzovich, the first deputy head of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration Iosif Borto, President of the Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute. Ferenc Rakoczi II Ildiko Oros. Under this picture is the inscription: "Stop the separatists."

The appearance of these billboards has already commented on the head of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin.

“I just said about the expected provocations in Transcarpathia, how billboards mysteriously appeared there almost immediately, condemning allegedly Hungarian separatism. It is important not only to condemn, but also to find out who is behind this, ”he wrote on his Twitter page.

Earlier, the media reported that the Hungarian government decided to allocate about $ 5 million to support the Hungarian teachers in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine.

On October 4, the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine declared persona non grata the consul of Hungary in Beregove.

Ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Alexei Zhuravko, in an interview with the FAN, commented on the diplomatic scandal between Ukraine and Hungary.