Ahmed Fadl-Khartoum

Despite the crackdown on security forces by a rally of Sudanese professionals demanding the resignation of President Omar al-Bashir in Khartoum on Thursday, fans of late artists Mahmoud Abdel Aziz and Mustafa Sayed Ahmed were present in the streets, especially the Hawatah.

On January 17, the group chose Miqata for his third motorcade in Khartoum, which marks the sixth anniversary of the departure of Mahmoud Abdel Aziz and the 23rd anniversary of the departure of Sayyed Ahmed.

Abdel Aziz is called "the whale" for swallowing all the stars according to his fans who belong to him in the name of "Hawatah".

Just before the parade to step down on Thursday, a war of data between two groups of "Hawatah" erupted in the most intense picture of the country's sharp polarization of related protests for nearly a month.

The group of "satellite suburbs" committed to the protesters by announcing that the annual memorial of Mahmoud Abdel Aziz will be on the streets with the gathering of Sudanese professionals, while the group "Mahmoud in heart" step and accused the other team to become a political party.

Al Jazeera Net confirmed the security forces' arrest of the head of the satellite satellite group Mohamed Babeker al-Amin in a pre-emptive manner on Wednesday. The secretary-general of the group, Muhammad Kana, was also summoned and later released.

Mohammed Babeker (left) with the late Mahmoud Abdel Aziz (center)

Family schism
Like the streets of the street, the family of the artist Mahmoud Abdel Aziz was split, as a result of clear government interventions, in an attempt to limit the role of the family in inciting his fans to join the protesters.

While Hatem, the son of the late martyr, was considered the best celebration of his father's spirit - especially in the wake of protests - the mother of artist Faiza Mohammed Taher advised her son not to engage in politics.

"Mahmud was not a politician, a sectarian or a tribal one, and this is our right to blood," she said in a video clip directed by government authorities in front of her home in the Mazad district of Khartoum, before she wished "victory" for the president.

The son's positions show support for the "suburban satellite" group supporting the protesters, while his grandmother supports the "Mahmoud in the Heart" group against the wave of protests.

Last year, Al Hawatah celebrated the fifth anniversary of the departure of their beloved artist at the Khartoum Stadium, where tens of thousands of people were milling. His loved one celebrated his anniversary at a stadium in Khartoum, crying and chanting his songs.

The whale died on January 17, 2013, after 45 years of conflict with the disease during a treatment trip to the Jordanian capital of Amman. His body was greeted by thousands at Khartoum airport and crowds of mourners marched in a majestic scene, forming a referendum on his popularity.

Al Hawatah Street
The signs of the participation of "Hawatah" appeared in the procession of the professional gathering in central Khartoum on Thursday, while the security forces tightened their grip and contained the procession, becoming more able to deal with the strategy of processions since the convoy last Sunday.

But the suppression of the main procession in central Khartoum prompted the organizers to ignite protests in the districts of the state, especially in Berri, the press, Hadem, Shambat and Kadro, to show signs of Hawatah's participation again.

The group "Mahmoud in the heart" in a statement that it did not get permission in advance to commemorate the late, and that it suffers from financial problems after printing "posters" to promote the memory.

The statement accused the group of "suburban satellites" of turning into a "political party" for calling for the commemoration of the late through the protests, saying that Abdul Aziz sings for the National Congress Party and the SPLM.

On the other hand, the group "satellites of the suburbs" issued a statement in solidarity with the protests, noting that Saleh Abdul Wahab - who was killed in the procession Omdurman last week - was a fan of "whale".

The late and his admirers have long been a symbol of rebellion, and Abdul Aziz has already been flogged because of public order materials in the Criminal Code in the White City of North Kordofan.

The tyrannical popularity of the late artist "Hawatah" attracted political attention from supporters of the government and advocates of protests, reflecting the tense situation in the Sudanese street.