“With such statements it is difficult to surprise those who participated in the creation of the people's republics of Donbass, in the first elections and in the second. In fact, there are absolutely double standards. We clearly see that when the US is profitable, they can promote the recognition of certain territories. And now they are just trying in such a way, through sanctions pressure and support of the Poroshenko regime, to impose their will on the people of Donbass, ”said Rudenko.

He also noted that the United States needs to pay attention to the actions of the President of Ukraine.

“When there is an escalation of the conflict and civilians are dying, for some reason no slogans are heard from the United States. But when the democratic process of electing power is underway, all of a sudden, noise, din and dictate begins. It would be better if they supplied Poroshenko with fewer weapons so that the process of peaceful settlement moved and did not approve of its inaction regarding the implementation of the Minsk Protocol. ”

Earlier, State Department spokesman Heather Nauert said that the United States condemned the elections in the DPR and LPR.

The American diplomat also stressed that Washington will continue to “impose sanctions against Russia related to Ukraine.”