About this "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" said the director of the Federal Bailiff Service Dmitry Aristov.

We are talking about amounts up to three thousand rubles.

“Notifications on the adoption of resolutions for execution will be sent using information systems used to provide state and municipal services,” explained Aristov.

According to him, at the same time, requests will be sent to banks and other credit organizations to establish accounts opened in the name of the debtor and the availability of funds on them.

“If there are funds in the debtor’s accounts and there is no information about the debtor’s payment of the fine in the unified system of state and municipal payments, they will be written off by the bank,” he said.

Aristov added that, along with the execution of the main fine, the simplified procedure would provide for the recovery of the debtor from the debtor.

“At the first stage, we expect to reduce the period for voluntary execution of the decision to two days,” said the head of the FSSP.

Earlier, the leader of the Automotive Russia party, State Duma deputy Vyacheslav Lysakov, in an interview with NSN, commented on a proposal to introduce criminal liability for escaping from the scene of a traffic accident.