Algeria is witnessing crucial hours during which the transitional phase may become apparent after the end of the rule of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, with parliament meeting in its two chambers on Tuesday to mark the vacancy of the post and take over a figure who has not yet been in power.

The Algerian parliament meets in its two chambers, the National People's Assembly (the First Chamber) and the National Assembly (the second chamber), on Tuesday in a formal session to announce the vacancy of the post of President of the Republic after the resignation of Bouteflika a week ago under the pressure of the street.

This meeting comes in accordance with Article 102 of the Constitution, which states that "in the event of resignation or death of the President of the Republic, the Constitutional Council shall meet and prove the final vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic and shall immediately inform the Parliament of the final vacancy permit."

If this is a formal meeting of the presidential vacancy, its chairmanship will go back to the president of the National Assembly, Abdelkader Ben Saleh, who will automatically receive the presidency for a period of ninety days, during which he will organize presidential elections.

If the legal texts are clear on the question of the president's dissolution, a political issue that arose after the resignation of the president was caused by the refusal of the street and the opposition to take Ben Saleh as head of state, because he is a symbol of the Bouteflika regime and a leader of the National Democratic Rally Party.

The most important demand agreed by the demonstrators on the seventh Friday of the movement and the first after the resignation of Bouteflika, is the departure of the President of the Council of the Nation Abdelkader Ben Saleh, Prime Minister Noureddine Badawi and the President of the Constitutional Council Tayeb Belaiz, because they are symbols of Bouteflika's regime.

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Individual or collective leadership
One of the most prominent aspects of the movement, the lawyer, Mustafa Bouchashi, said that mechanisms should be considered to start the transitional phase as soon as possible in order to avoid what could change the course of the movement.

The newspaper said that Bushashi made a detailed presentation on how to conduct the transition, which needs the honest and honest nation, and suggested that the start of the inauguration of the presidency of an individual or collective, preferring to be a collective consisting of four to five individuals are not involved in corruption and mismanagement, The last 20 years, are mainly selected from civil society.

For its part, wrote the government newspaper "Mujahid" on Sunday an editorial in which he hinted at the possibility of the departure of Ben Saleh and the replacement of a consensual personality, in response to the demands of the street.

According to the newspaper, "a solution must be found to the issue of the presidency of the National Assembly at the earliest time, on the grounds that this political face will not accept the popular movement," and considered finding a consensual person to lead the transitional phase in place "is not impossible."

This invitation comes from the newspaper in harmony with the last statement of the army leadership last Tuesday, which insisted that the solution under the current Constitution and specifically Articles 102, 7 and 8 thereof, which provides for the resignation of the President and the return of power to the people.

As the magazine "Army" in an editorial two days ago confirmed that the military "fully supports" the demands of the street raised since the beginning of the demonstrations, while adhering to the Constitution, an implicit rejection of calls to form a collective presidency and prolong the life of the transitional period.