The Russian Interior Ministry will investigate the incident in Vladimir, where traffic police officers put up a “human shield” of civilian vehicles to detain the violator’s car.

The incident occurred on February 9th. On the records posted on social networks, you can see how the inspectors of the traffic police took turns putting the cars on the road. Later, an intruder appeared who crashed into one or more of the cars that formed the shield.

The police rushed to the intruder’s car, one of the officers tried to break the window with his foot. As a result, the driver abruptly drove off, almost knocking down one of the inspectors standing nearby.

It follows from the video that DPS officers did not remove the drivers and passengers from their vehicles after the formation of an improvised barrier. In addition, several cars were damaged.

According to the regional press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the violator did not fulfill the traffic police’s requirements to stop, drove into the oncoming lane and drove through the intersection to a red light. In the course of the movement, the driver crashed into cars moving in the same direction, and also made dangerous maneuvers.

“Given the extreme situation at the stationary traffic police post in the city of Vladimir, traffic flow was blocked,” said the head of the regional traffic police, Artur Amosov.

The message of the Ministry of Internal Affairs notes that the police officers blocked the traffic, stopped the intruder’s car, but he abruptly resumed the traffic when the traffic police inspectors tried to open the car. The police did not specify how the overlap was made.

The offender was only delayed after 40 minutes. It turned out to be a resident of Volgograd, born in 1990, who had previously been repeatedly involved for violating traffic rules and was deprived of his driving license. Signs of alcohol or drug intoxication have not been identified, clarified in the department.

On the video of interrogation of the detainee published by the Ministry of Interior, he claims that he does not remember his actions.

“No, I don’t remember this moment,” said the detainee in response to the question of whether he could remember the attempts of the police to stop his car. Speaking about the reasons for his behavior, he replied: "Without a clue."

During the interrogation, he also said that the car was designed for his father, and they own the car together. In addition, the car is used as a passenger taxi and an appropriate permit is allegedly issued for it. However, the intruder did not have this document with him, the paper allegedly remained in Volgograd.

  • Intruder car
  • © overhearauto33

Commission will examine all circumstances

The Interior Ministry will send a commission to Vladimir, which will investigate the "human shield" incident.

“The commission will comprehensively examine all the circumstances of the detention on February 9 of the driver who repeatedly violated traffic rules on the federal highway M-7 Volga, analyzed the available materials, including eyewitness testimony, assessed the actions of the traffic police officers and officers in an emergency situation” - The official representative of the Ministry of Interior Irina Volk. Her words leads Tass.

As noted in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if the facts of violations of police officers are confirmed, officials will be prosecuted.

According to the “TV and Radio Company Guberniya-33”, the incident participants intend to complain about the traffic police to the prosecutor's office. According to the publication with reference to eyewitnesses, in the cars used to form the barrier, there were children.

A similar incident occurred in Moscow in October 2014. The traffic police inspectors tried to detain the intruder, who was traveling in a car with fake registration marks on the Moscow ring road (MKAD).

To stop the attacker were exposed to several cars, but the offender after a while, overcame the barrier and continued to move. He later dropped the car on the side of the road and disappeared on foot.

A similar story happened in March 2010, also on the Moscow Ring Road. Then the traffic police officers stopped several drivers and convinced them to place their cars across the roadway.

Violators as a result of these actions could not be detained, they were caught later, on March 10. Subsequently, the traffic police made a formal apology to the drivers, whose cars were used to form the barrier. Later, the Moscow police department repaired several injured vehicles as a result of the incident.