The United States has stepped up its pressure on Germany over Huawei's Chinese communications technology, which US experts say is vulnerable to hacking and espionage.

At a closed-door meeting of US experts with their German counterparts last week, Americans provided important information in the technology of building fifth-generation networks, which Huawei is seeking to build contracts in several countries, including Germany.

The United States hopes to influence the position of Germany - Europe's largest economy - toward Chinese technology giants, which could extend to other countries that trust Germany's technology decisions.

But it does not seem as easy as it has with other countries like Australia, New Zealand, Japan and the United Kingdom. Huawei's relationship with the German market is deeply rooted.

The three major telecoms operators in Germany are cooperating with Huawei. Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone and Telefonica Deutschland have defended their relationship with the Chinese company, warning that the ban on the use of Huawei equipment will slow down the launch of the country's fifth generation networks.

Donald Trump's policy on the interests of the United States also reinforces the concerns of the Germans and worries about the credibility of these warnings.

German Bundestag member Joachim Pfeiffer pointed to German concerns about the integrity of the United States with regard to Chinese companies. He sees the challenge for Germany as not to allow either side to exploit them.

On the other hand, the German judiciary decided to ban the sale of some models of iPhone phones in the country, after it was considered "Apple" guilty of violating patents.

In the opinion of the judiciary that "Apple" guilty of the case raised by the company Qualcomm, and that they have actually violated the patents of the latter without compensating them.

The ban includes phones for iPhone 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus and iPhone 3G on German territory.