The waste of time on the Internet these days limits our productivity and runs counter to our business life, and this prompts us to look for effective ways to control the time spent surfing this digital network.

Eric Parker, in his report on the American site "Lads", points to the best ways we can control the time we are surfing the Internet, as well as the extra pressure that time is causing us to lose time, especially as the smartphone is our gateway to the virtual world At what time.

The author cited a study by Yale University researcher Nicholas Christakis and researcher at the University of California, Holly Shakia, who proved that Facebook's use of social networking had a negative impact on human health.

Children and adolescents born in an age dominated by screens and technologies are also suffering more than others, spending more than nine hours a day watching digital content, which explains the high levels of depression and suicide among this group of young people.

The author spoke of his fellow computer science professor at Georgetown University Cal Newport, who puts approaches on the theory of digital simplicity, which reduces the time of the use of technical devices and control the way we use them before it ends up in the acquisition of our thinking.

Children spend more than nine hours a day watching digital content (Getty Images)

Statement of digital simplicity
The time we spend watching digital content and surfing the Internet has become familiar. Cal finds it difficult to reconcile the benefits of our digital devices with the cost of using them. Social networking sites are likely to make us happy, but actually meeting people will make us happier.

According to the book, "Digital Simplicity: Choosing a Focus in a Wild World," people who use minimal modern technology are simply tools that can be used to support the things they value and give them great attention, but they do not regard as a source of value independently, They adopt selective methods of use.

The author highlighted one of our erroneous beliefs that excessive use of technology has no consequences. But we always wonder why we can not afford to meet someone we have not met for a long time, or feel that we do not have enough time to do our own business. The answer to this question is that we are constantly busy with our equipment.

Give up the technical 30 days
"We can organize our time on the Internet by following the rule of abandoning the devices we use voluntarily for a whole month, so that we have the opportunity to discover the things we enjoyed and do not include any screen, and we feel that humans are not monkeys trained to click screens constantly.

Newport says that this technique is able to reset your digital lifestyle by abandoning the tools that will distract you from the compulsive habits accumulated over time, and replace them with good behaviors that support the values ​​they advocate rather than break them.

The author calls in his book to abandon the devices we use optionally and maintain those we use in our professional or personal life. This means that all devices should be completely discontinued unless there is a practical need to use them, such as keeping the microwave in return for abandoning social networking sites and video games.

In the opinion of the author of the report that we can violate the law of abandonment of devices in some exceptional cases, such as watching some movies on the Netflix if someone else is with you. You can also listen to audio streams if you're moving from one place to another.

Call Newport in his book to abandon the smart devices for thirty days unless there is a practical reason to use them (Anatolia)

Treatment of technical addiction and the exercise of fun activities
Parker explained that humans lived happily before the invention of modern devices and the Internet. The lack of reliance on technical devices and screens is an opportunity to cut off bad habits and discover fun, without fear of being shipped like smartphones.

To make this trend work, we have to treat it as a health system rather than as a detoxification program. In this context, you must fill the digital void with new activities such as reading books, practicing a new hobby, or training to do something new like cooking or exercising that you have never practiced before.

The author also advises Cal Newport to set a goal and work to achieve it during the month when she will refrain from using devices at an intense pace, such as learning new songs and trying to perform on guitar during a concert at the end of the month. This strategy gives you a plan to follow and a time to follow, which encourages you to make a double effort to avoid embarrassment during the ceremony.

The digital vacuum can be filled with new activities such as reading books, practicing new hobbies or exercising (Reuters)

Technical Management
The author of the article adopted Amish as a successful example of setting a limit between the use of technology to benefit and its addiction. This community avoids driving cars in exchange for the exploitation of agricultural tractors in carrying out daily tasks, and they do not have their own phones, but only use the public telephone.

The author called for certain conditions to be met if we wanted to return the technology to our lives, such as showing the usefulness of using it or connecting the device to standard operating procedures that restrict its usage and the time allotted.

"We can always set a timeline to see how often we usually do some activities that we do not enjoy much, like watching videos online or surfing the web, so we can leave home at these times," he said.

The author called for compliance with certain conditions if we wanted to restore the technology to our lives, such as connecting the device to standard operating procedures restricting use and time allocated (sites)

Adopt the "Do Not Disturb" mode as a new standard
Barker recommends that you never use the "Do Not Disturb" feature on your smartphone, go to your phone's settings, select some numbers and people who can call you all the time, and set aside time to answer text messages at once instead of hovering between your other activities and answering each message Alone, which will distract you and distract you from your concentration.

"We can make a bolder decision and leave our smartphones inside the car drawer if we go somewhere, which gives us enough time to connect with our friends who spend our time with them," the author said. We can always reduce notifications on our digital devices and make them limited to text message notifications.

This approach, based on reducing digital social communication, will allow us to maintain superficial relationships and interactions, which means that we will have more time to focus on deep talks and improve our important relationships. We can always set time for these talks every day according to our agenda.

The author concluded that having regular relationships based on speaking and meeting on a regular basis is more important and deeper than superficial relationships based on comments and interactions with others' publications. Therefore, we have to send handwritten messages, talk on the phone, meet people close to us and admire their personalities rather than their publications.